
Media Relations

The right media coverage can help you and your business reach the next level, but landing that coverage is hard. Who do you contact? What do you say? How do you say it? Not only do we have more than 20 years of media relationships under our belt, we know how to clearly and concisely communicate your message to the media whose audiences can help move the needle for you and your business.

Our top-level strategy, messaging, and media relations offerings will help you go from an unknown name to a recognized author, expert, or brand. We love to make you known.

Client Testimonials

What Our Clients Have to Say

β€œThe experience of becoming an author, with the release of β€˜Unscripted’ was a lot of things for me. Exhilarating, draining, emotional, and incredibly satisfying are the first words that come to mind. I soon learned that writing the book was just a part of the process. When it came to getting the word out, and setting up a media tour, Choice Media & Communications took the reins, and I would have been lost without them. What a group of professionals! Heather Adams and her team put together a tour that included β€˜Good Morning America,’ β€˜The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,’ an ESPN car wash, and more national radio shows and podcasts than I can possibly count. And they were there to take care of every detail every step of the way. When it comes to getting a book in front of the eyes of potential readers, there’s only one Choice.”

β€” Ernie Johnson, Jr., New York Times bestselling author and Emmy Award winning host of β€œInside The NBA”

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